South Quay

Location: Hayle Conservation Area, Cornwall

Client: ING Red and Bowmer & Kirkland

Architect: Stephen Levrant Heritage Architecture

Date: 2014

The grade II listed South Quay, along with Carnsew Pool, is located in the centre of Hayle, Cornwall. It also sits within the Conservation Area of Hayle and the Devon and Cornwall Tin and Copper Mining World Heritage Site. Hayle was the only port serving the mining industry and thrived on the export of copper, tin and heavy industrial machinery to locations around the world. Since the decline of the industries, South Quay has lain derelict since the 1970s.

Scope of Professional Services:

SLHA was appointed as the heritage architect and for all heritage impact assessments. All the stone found over the entire site was re-used for all of the traditional repairs to the harbour walls, breech and the revealed slipways. The lock and sluice gates are the central working elements for bringing back effective sluicing to the harbour. Visitors and harbour users now benefit from the regeneration of the quay and the revived sluicing. Artefacts found, form part of the interpretation. The Harbour is transferring into public ownership in the form of a new Community Trust. The scheme introduced a World Heritage Site levy on this, so all future development in the harbour area will provide revenue funding to maintain and manage the harbour in perpetuity.


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